Fluorosis and Fluoride Application in Kanpur

Consuming too much fluoride while the teeth are being formed can lead to fluorosis. This condition causes white or brown discoloration or spots on the enamel, or tooth surface. The effects can range from minor color changes to surface irregularities of the teeth. Fluorosis does not develop after teeth have erupted into the mouth.

Fluorosis is a cosmetic condition, not a disease. Often, it is so mild that only a dental professional can detect it. Most cases of fluorosis result from young children taking fluoride supplements or swallowing fluoride toothpaste when the water they drink is already fluoridated.

The spots and stains left by fluorosis are permanent. They may darken over time.


Remember that fluorosis affects only the appearance of teeth. It does not result in cavities. As a result, most of the treatment for fluorosis consists of masking the stain.

Many cases of fluorosis are minor enough not to need treatment. Sometimes fluorosis occurs only on the back teeth, where it can't be seen. More serious cases and cases involving the front teeth can be treated by removing the surface-stained areas through tooth whitening or other procedures. Severe cases of fluorosis can be covered with bonding, crowns or veneers.

When To Call a Professional

If you notice white streaks or spots on your child's teeth or notice that one or more teeth are discolored, contact us.